8A84DFBC-CF74-4F30-B6A9-6FB9466D4A71.JPG 8AA32AB2-9FD3-4C3A-86DF-1973F225BB34.JPG
Cast Eagle
Cast Eagle
tempImagem8zxGE.gif tempImagesFxplj.gif
Stone Sundial
Stone Sundial
tempImagevoYCjA.gif tempImageePZyxm.gif
Pair of opposing Eagles
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Pair of opposing Eagles
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tempImagewVczAd.gif tempImageQe4Czs.gif
English Bust
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English Bust
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tempImage0gIyms.gif tempImageM6IvSU.gif
19th century bust
19th century bust
EFDCB189-6450-4434-B26D-447C9CE0C8E2.JPG 94CF7E15-EF91-461D-8A08-20E06C480D1B.JPG
Carved pedestal and sundial
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Carved pedestal and sundial
sold out
tempImaged8SQje.gif tempImageAoO6sp.gif
Galloway Armillary
Galloway Armillary
tempImageEScNEJ.gif tempImage7XbVn0.jpg
Antique Sundial
Antique Sundial
tempImageVK1ZYY.gif tempImageMBV0bZ.gif
0CDEBE48-508B-4A9C-981D-4A3223BE0A66.JPG 0AFD5F03-236E-4342-8499-3FA7B9426481.JPG
Lion Mask (2 available)
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Lion Mask (2 available)
sold out
tempImagesw3Wzi.gif tempImagewRr9v3.gif
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86DC48A9-9CAE-4AB5-85E7-157344DADD8D.JPG 23A4D8E7-A4A4-4E6A-8552-9B98C73B8820.JPG
Stone Obelisk
Stone Obelisk
F86F3612-C016-40F6-A80B-DB5AF0E0060C.JPG 353EB419-771E-4C0B-B72D-581932257A80.JPG
Terracotta finial
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sold out
Terracotta finial
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tempImageR0dyKj.gif tempImageT0Bqdt.gif
A03D6307-6705-43FE-82FC-C7FCD9F44DBB.JPG 5D609AAC-641A-4660-81E1-6ED42482135A.JPG
Garden Lantern
Garden Lantern
2289ABDC-65FA-4356-8ADA-1CEF06B70107.JPG 4DC8408B-B5AA-4F9E-B35D-67EB50CEE313.JPG
Carved Monkeys
Carved Monkeys
6B8C6D5D-4C97-4C58-8390-917D53736957.JPG 6F317351-1C96-441D-BCD8-6335580DE8DF.JPG
Cast Metal Pedestal (1 available)
Cast Metal Pedestal (1 available)
IMG_3386.jpg IMG_3392.jpg
Lead Sundial
Lead Sundial
900D4224-A878-4DFD-9720-51968EC24D56.JPG 95373498-802B-4D09-871F-45DBE1768CAE.JPG
Pineapple Finial (6 AVAILABLE)
Pineapple Finial (6 AVAILABLE)
134A5983-8FCA-4AF6-B749-0B5A28680C76.JPG 48F70B47-A722-448E-B23A-C323067765A0.JPG
Lion Statues
Lion Statues
4097. Pair of Terra Cotta Eagles 1_Charleston GardenWorks.JPG 4097. Pair of Terra Cotta Eagles 2_Charleston GardenWorks.JPG
Pair of Eagles
Pair of Eagles
4089. 19th Century Carved Marble figure 1_Charleston GardenWorks.jpg 4089. 19th Century Carved Marble figure 2_Charleston GardenWorks.jpg
Marble Statue
Marble Statue
8140. Large Antique Marble Pedestal  1_Charleston GardenWorks.JPG 8140. Large Antique Marble Pedestal  2_Charleston GardenWorks.JPG
Marble Pedestal
Marble Pedestal
4044. 19th Century Lead Statue of a Boy Fishing 1_Charleston Garden Works.JPG 4044. 19th Century Lead Statue of a Boy Fishing 2_Charleston Garden Works.jpg
Lead Boy
Lead Boy
4011. FrenchCast Stone Madonna and serpent 1_Charleston Garden Works.JPG 4011. FrenchCast Stone Madonna and serpent 2_Charleston Garden Works.JPG
French cast stone madonna
French cast stone madonna
8036. Stoneware art deco finial balls 1_Charleston Garden Works.JPG 8036. Stoneware art deco finial balls 2_Charleston Garden Works.JPG
Pair of Stoneware finials
Pair of Stoneware finials
4019. Lead garden cannons lion 1_Charleston Garden Works.JPG 4019. Lead garden cannons lion 2_Charleston Garden Works.JPG
Pair of lead lion cannons
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Pair of lead lion cannons
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4053. Antique Marble Column with Iron Armillary  1_Charleston GardenWorks.JPG 4053. Antique Marble Column with Iron Armillary  2_Charleston GardenWorks.JPG
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4100. Pair of Carved Eagle Reliefs 1_Charleston GardenWorks.jpg 4100. Pair of Carved Eagle Reliefs 3_Charleston GardenWorks.jpg
Eagle Relief (2 Available)
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Eagle Relief (2 Available)
sold out
tempImagef2TaSQ.gif tempImageGQndz6.gif
English sundial
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English sundial
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tempImagetajzLF.gif tempImagezJPk2T.gif
Pair of Eagles
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sold out
Pair of Eagles
sold out