4CF3A6FA-EBC8-4DF8-9A01-9E557B047B34.JPG 2345B555-08F5-4B50-AAAA-E8398944A378.JPG
Carved Urns
Carved Urns
8A84DFBC-CF74-4F30-B6A9-6FB9466D4A71.JPG 8AA32AB2-9FD3-4C3A-86DF-1973F225BB34.JPG
Cast Eagle
Cast Eagle
tempImageyrzw4D.gif tempImagebk9qWd.gif
Large Classical Urn
Large Classical Urn
tempImage798p42.gif tempImageKRe6qO.gif
Pair of stools
Pair of stools
tempImageohrlJA.gif tempImageWgkoEN.gif
Cast Urn on Plinth
Cast Urn on Plinth
tempImagem8zxGE.gif tempImagesFxplj.gif
Stone Sundial
Stone Sundial
tempImagewSnCYR.gif tempImage895SjE.gif
Pair of arras chair
Pair of arras chair
tempImageXzfdkY.gif tempImageyohgH9.gif
Lead fountain
Lead fountain
tempImageAie7ws.gif tempImage0C6MKy.gif
American Single Urn
American Single Urn
tempImage8AAg2U.gif tempImage2Nz8HX.gif
English Planter (6 available)
English Planter (6 available)
tempImagee2w21J.gif tempImageHP6a5x.gif
America Single Urn
America Single Urn
tempImagebjYlKt.gif tempImageKz0pZi.gif
Pair of Tassel Planters
Pair of Tassel Planters
tempImagev2HTqi.gif tempImageLPSDa4.gif
Iron Curtain Bench
sold out
sold out
Iron Curtain Bench
sold out
tempImage3CoAck.gif tempImagesEIvN4.gif
Pair of Urns
Pair of Urns
tempImagefp5eLP.gif tempImageL8ilKJ.gif
English Cast Urns
English Cast Urns
tempImagevoYCjA.gif tempImageePZyxm.gif
Pair of opposing Eagles
sold out
sold out
Pair of opposing Eagles
sold out
tempImagewVczAd.gif tempImageQe4Czs.gif
English Bust
sold out
sold out
English Bust
sold out
109EE6BA-9EA0-4B0E-BD77-55E41417E6A4.JPG C2E62B79-12C1-4C9A-9C98-C987D2E54522.JPG
Terra Cotta Urns
sold out
sold out
Terra Cotta Urns
sold out
tempImage0gIyms.gif tempImageM6IvSU.gif
19th century bust
19th century bust
EFDCB189-6450-4434-B26D-447C9CE0C8E2.JPG 94CF7E15-EF91-461D-8A08-20E06C480D1B.JPG
Carved pedestal and sundial
sold out
sold out
Carved pedestal and sundial
sold out
tempImagei8LTy1.gif tempImagecNOMVl.gif
Carved Bench
sold out
sold out
Carved Bench
sold out
tempImageBt1Q0S.gif tempImageqdGxrG.gif
Pair of English Urns
Pair of English Urns
tempImageUqIIRL.gif tempImageDZ9TFU.gif
French Console
French Console
tempImageEguDkX.gif tempImagej30df5.gif
Italian urn
Italian urn
IMG_4717.jpg IMG_4718.jpg
1930s Iron Bench (2 available)
1930s Iron Bench (2 available)
tempImageW9H9Zi.gif tempImageVjVzZN.gif
Plant Stand (2 Available)
Plant Stand (2 Available)
tempImageraNeeR.gif tempImagektfdka.gif
Lead Urn
Lead Urn
tempImageS548Xo.gif tempImagel9HKLc.gif
French Bowls (4 available)
sold out
sold out
French Bowls (4 available)
sold out
tempImaged8SQje.gif tempImageAoO6sp.gif
Galloway Armillary
Galloway Armillary
tempImageyG06Bc.gif tempImagembRCON.gif
French Planter (4 available)
French Planter (4 available)
tempImageEScNEJ.gif tempImage7XbVn0.jpg
Antique Sundial
Antique Sundial
tempImageF02b6A.gif tempImagentHz1v.gif
Iron Side Table
Iron Side Table
tempImagezaiSKw.gif tempImageUOSrST.gif
Iron Fountain
Iron Fountain
tempImage7e3sGW.gif tempImageGUSkvw.gif
Iron coffee table
Iron coffee table
282B3B6E-3EE1-4CD4-AAF4-F40CBF35FFB2.JPG 8AEA49E9-4DF7-4EAB-97F4-B885CF82BC87.JPG
Pair of Urns
sold out
sold out
Pair of Urns
sold out
tempImagejoWtnQ.gif tempImageh9vKor.gif
1930s coffee Table
1930s coffee Table
tempImageabrIbG.gif tempImageFmYLW5.gif
Faux Bois Bench
Faux Bois Bench
9A27CADC-B9F9-4FAE-9485-9BF9A32B0171.JPG 1BD679D7-0EBB-471D-A29F-ACE05FE98B59.JPG
Laurel Bench
Laurel Bench
tempImageVK1ZYY.gif tempImageMBV0bZ.gif
Wall Fountain
Wall Fountain
AF3E8D27-4CA8-439D-89EC-F2BEA331E127.JPG 7F7C83E6-F882-4727-9A27-3FC3AEB500DF.JPG
set of 4 chairs
set of 4 chairs
E98909A2-035C-436C-A6E9-2BBDC6C88CF4.JPG D04AFEE8-D0E9-48BA-9BCA-99285F456019.JPG
French bistro Chairs
French bistro Chairs
tempImage5W4dWe.gif tempImagexpIHru.gif
iron gate
iron gate
tempImageuy7Kke.gif tempImageYZkJBU.gif
Garden Seat (2 available)
Garden Seat (2 available)
8F977A7D-F325-45BF-9E41-3B38A4CDD66B.JPG 76B21345-39E0-4EFF-9E7E-814C50152771.JPG
Pair of leinfelder chairs
sold out
sold out
Pair of leinfelder chairs
sold out
FBCDA9D1-E192-4A4E-8D19-BE1D95197D6B.JPG 82F941DF-2ADE-4A32-AC90-EEA87A58A28C.JPG
leinfelder table
leinfelder table
tempImageWTvWLC.gif tempImagemOu5mH.gif
Italian table
Italian table
0CDEBE48-508B-4A9C-981D-4A3223BE0A66.JPG 0AFD5F03-236E-4342-8499-3FA7B9426481.JPG
Lion Mask (2 available)
sold out
sold out
Lion Mask (2 available)
sold out
tempImageAwY7jQ.gif tempImage5iLZVo.gif
Sculptura Bench
Sculptura Bench
C5C24681-0E6E-4342-B6A7-542756B610D2.JPG A325E96B-AB24-4479-B847-78B80C2214BE.JPG
Tassel Bench
Tassel Bench